Practice Areas
Attorney Feeley specializes in both Contested and Uncontested divorces within Massachusetts:
A contested divorce indicates a situation in which two parties cannot come to an agreement on one or several issues pertaining to the termination of their marriage. Working tirelessly both inside and outside of the courthouse, Attorney Feeley will help you reach an amicable resolution to your divorce.
An uncontested divorce occurs when the parties involved reach agreement on most or all of the issues. Attorney Feeley will assist you in the negotiation process so that you are able to reach an agreement with your spouse without the necessity of protracted lititgation.
When a divorce or dissolution of marriage is granted, either party may ask for alimony. Alimony may be granted, depending upon the specific circumstances of the case. Attorney Feeley understands the importance of alimony to her clients and specializes in both the negotiation of alimony payments as well as the repercussions of non-payment by an involved party.
Did you fail to properly file your marriage license? Did you get divorced in another country when neither you nor your spouse was present? If you answered yes to either of these questions your divorce may not be recognized in Massachusetts.
Attorney Feeley specializes in child care, custody and maintenance issues such as child support obligations and provisions for education and health insurance.
While many parents cooperate when it comes to sharing their children, not all parents are able to work together. Attorney Feeley takes a strong stand on behalf of her clients to ensure that there is a fair and equitable parenting plan for the children.
Attorney Feeley is knowledgeable in the latest Court decisions pertaining to Child Support issues and specializes in all aspects of Child Support issues, from minimizing the economic impact on the child’s standard of living to protecting the subsistence level of income of parents.
Attorney Feeley’s experience includes straightforward property divisions, complex property divisions, tracing assets, locating hidden assets and valuing closely–held and/or family–owned businesses, professional practices and trusts.
Attorney Feeley has advocated on both sides of Paternity issues and understands the needs and goals of her clients.
Prenuptial agreements allow for two people entering into a marriage the opportunity to clearly define the disposition of financial assets in the event of divorce or death. Attorney Feeley will draft the agreement based upon your goals, allowing you extra time and peace of mind to concentrate on your wedding preparations.
Massachusetts Probate Law Practice Areas
Often, the death of a loved one is accompanied by the need to navigate through piles of court documents and forms. Attorney Feeley specializes in guiding Wills and Trusts through the legal system in order to ensure that they are executed in a timely manner.
If an adult is no longer able to handle their day-to-day financial or medical affairs, then a Guardianship is often required so that a friend or family member can step in and take care of their loved one’s needs. This process is often time consuming. Attorney Feeley will minimize your stress by negotiating the court system to ease the process of fulfilling your role as guardian.